Well, its been over 5 years between takeoffs and landings PIC (Pilot in Command). That all changes today... I am back in the saddle, getting the feeling back.
Even though I have not been flying in 5 years, I have always kept my head in the mix by way of Flying magazine and AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association). So, its kind of hard to believe its been 5 years.
I found a great small airport near my house D95 (D95 is the airport identifier for Lapeer). They have a helpful staff and nice equipment for rental.
And when I say nice equipment, I mean Garmin G1000 nice! This system is AWESOME!!! For those who do not know, the G1000 is what you see pictured - a computer driven "glass" cockpit.
This past Thursday (11/9/06) we spent some hours on the ground going over stuff that has changed in the past 5 years. Not much, but all for the better. Then we dove into some Garmin G1000 training with the simulator.
Today we hit the sky practicing some take off and landings, among other maneuvers. I really feel like I never skipped a beat and the instructor was equally impressed (patting my own back). This coming Saturday we will wrap up my flight review and I will be a legal pilot once again.
The short clip is of us taxing back to the ramp, nothing too exciting... but more to come.
Check it out:
Geez... we sound like a couple of flight geeks! getting excited about taxi way lights??? you know you are a pilot when... :)
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