I have not had a whole lot of practice in crosswind landings since getting my rating back up to snuff. This morning I checked the weather, winds were 10-15 knots (gusting 20), coming from a direction of 230 (hence the reason it was so mild today, ~45'F). My home airport (D95-Lapeer) has a north/south runway. I thought PERFECT, a strong crosswind to practice some landings.
After I took off, it was bumpy as hell! Very gusty... but after I ascended to about 2,600 feet, it was as smooth as silk. I turned to a heading of 250 and climbed to 4,500. Look at the picture above, you can see my ground speed is only 64 knots because I am dealing with a 53 knot headwind. Flying in small plane is not much quicker than driving on days like this, but WAY more fun!

After doing some more sight seeing and slow flight, I turned back to the airport for some landings. My ground speed now increased to over 150 knots, that's what I'm talking about!
As I descended below 2,500 feet, it began to toss me around like a rag doll. I came around the traffic pattern and lined up for runway 18. I was a little high, but felt good. As I fell trough 500 feet a few small gust pushed me up. I was now over the threshold, still high with a crab angle that felt like 45 degrees. I eased the power back and sank down closer to the surface just as another gust pushed me back up. At this point I am a third way down the runway with no wheels on the ground... time to go around and try this again.
This time I use only 10' of flaps and keep my speed higher. I still got pushed around like a freshmen at high school, but make a soft landing... I'm glad I came out and did some "real" flying.
As I taxied up to the ramp, there was a guy preflighting a super decathlon (tail dragger). I'm told those are hard to land in a light crosswind - GOOD LUCK!
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